The Collect, Epistle and Gospel, today’s propers are all tied together. Their whole point is we must embrace light and reject darkness. We do this by allowing the Holy Ghost into our hearts, to shine the light in our hearts and expel the darkness. Make no mistake, we are engaged in a World War with the Prince of Air, the Prince of This World, for the souls of men, starting with our own, a World War which has been going on since the beginning of time. But we know the ending is in our favor for certain, for the Book of Revelation tells us so. I hope you find it useful.
There are always a lot of people who need your prayer. Please if you have someone on the prayer list and their needs have changed, please let us know. We’d like to update our prayers to reflect the need and most important to give thanks! In the mean time, please start your prayers for safe travels for Bishop Igor, and healing for Laurie, Shamu, Tricia, Harper and Ditte, work out from there.
As we go through Advent, getting closer and closer to Christmas, open your heart more fully to God's guidance in the form of that Third God Guy, the Holy Ghost. We all need help to see things clearly in this troubled time.
Have an EPIC week ahead.
Bishop Hap
Anglican Orthodox Church Worldwide