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nd God spake all these words,
saying, 2 I am the Lord thy God, which have
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no
other gods before me. (Exodus
you have been in a coma for the past few decades, you will know that there has
been an all-out attack against both the meaning and celebration of Christmas.
Even if the exact date were proven to be uncertain (and I do not believe it to
be uncertain), it would still be appropriate to celebrate the birth of the Lord
Jesus Christ on any given date. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ was
considered so important to the early church that they began to date all
historical events on the BEFORE (B.C.) and AFTER (A.D.) of that Holy event.
Though atheistic science and geologist may deny the reality of the Birth of
Christ, they cannot escape recognizing that date in the calendar year, even if
they opt to call it B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) or C.E. (Common Era). That
troublesome event that determines that calendar date keeps haunting them.
hostility towards celebrating the Birth of Our Lord may have begun in the more
innocent years of our history, but, today, it has grown to an outward hostility
so intense that any mention of the word ‘CHRISTMAS’ draws the ire of those who
consider themselves to be the Politically Correct Police whose job is to
squelch any sign of faith or religion – but especially that of the Christian
religion. While prayers to Dark Prince, Allah, are even being taught to
students in many American public schools, even the mention of the Christian God
is forbidden and cause for suspension. How did we arrive at this dilemma of
faith and freedom FROM religion?
have read many well-meaning Christians (including even some clergy) who have
attempted to defend the legend of Santa Claus and have even ascribed divine
powers to him – such as the claim that he once walked on water. However, the
real St. Nicolas was not such fellow. He was a good, kind, and generous bishop
of Asia Minor who defended the poor and weak against exploitation. I have
visited churches in the area that are named in his honor, but never have I
heard or read, in the chronicles of those churches, the fads and fiction which
the world lauds over this partly mythical character. I believe the real St. Nicolas
would vigorously disclaim these stories that have come to be believed by
millions of children.
Claus is simply a corruption of the name, St. Nicolas. When pronounced rapidly
by Europeans and Americans, St. Nicolas evolved into Santa Claus.
I was very young, I remember my parents warning me about being good so that
Santa Claus would bring me good presents. Santa Claus, like our Lord, seemed to
know everything about me. He knew when I was good or bad. He knew my name and
age. He knew where I lived, and even where I was on Christmas Eve even if not
at home. He was able to fly in his sled just as an angel across the heavens. He
was OMNISCIENT. He was also OMNIPRESENT since he was able to deliver gifts
around the world, and to every child, in a short 12 hour travel. I never felt
completely comfortable with the Santa Claus legend. I always preferred the
classical Christmas story with its carols and wonderment to that of the false
figure of Santa Claus.
I grew to know for certain that there was no Santa Claus, I wondered what other
things my parents had lied to me about. If I had been less informed on Holy
Scripture, I may have even thought that they had lied to me about the baby
Jesus, God the Father, and God the Holy Ghost. Thankfully, the truth of the
meaning of Christmas was too powerful to be dismissed as legend.
character of Santa Claus gradually began to take the place of Jesus Christ in
much of our Christmas lore. If anyone denounces Santa Claus as a fraud, he is
labeled a hateful killjoy.
myth of Santa began to really gain prominence in 1823 with the publishing of
Clement Clarke Moore’s “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” I am sure that
Moore did not intend to usurp the place of Christ in Christmas, but that is
certainly the result that came about. Drawings of our Lord do not elicit much
commercial fanfare, but a red suited old bishop with a bag full of gifts
certainly does. We celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, yet He has been
omitted by the commercial and social world. How sad! How much more beautiful
(and TRUE) is the story of the first Christmas recorded in the Gospels, and
particularly, the Gospel of St. Luke, Chapter 2.
pop songs have been recorded concerning the ‘season’ of Christmas without
mentioning the name of the Lord whose day it is; songs such as Rudolph
the Red-Nosed Reindeer, All I want for Christmas, Santa Claus is Coming to
Town, White Christmas, Blue Christmas, etc. Jingle Bells was originally
written as a Thanksgiving song, but was quickly adopted as a Christmas song
without mention of Christ. Ironically, the song was written and first sung at a
church in Savannah, Georgia where Pierpont relocated in the last years of his
life. His nephew was J.P. (Pierpont) Morgan, the celebrated financier. Aren’t
the true songs of Christmas far more appealing and beautiful – Joy to
the World, Angels from the Realms of Glory, Noel, Silent Night, O Come all Ye
Faithful, We Three Kings, Away in a Manger, O Little Town of
Bethlehem, etc.
the process of time, the secularizers of Christmas grew weary of the mere
mention of the name Christmas even if Santa had become the central figure. Even
though the central figure of Christmas (Jesus Christ) had been supplanted by
Santa Claus and with musical works unrelated to the Christ of Christmas, this
did not satisfy those who are offended at the mention of the Lord’s name. If
they admit to their being a God in Heaven, and a Lord who must be followed,
they would be forced to abandon their gay (old meaning) lifestyles. So, what
could they do to eliminate even that allusion of Christ in the word Christmas?
concluded, “Let us change greetings cards from Merry Christmas to Happy
Holidays” was one approach. Eliminate any scripture references in such
cards. Commercialize the season to the point that everyone’s mind would be on
glitter and not the Baby Christ-Child born at Bethlehem. Replace solemn
Christmas worship services with drinking parties and banquets of gorging and
feasting. Belittle anyone who even hints at “Merry Christmas.” Expunge any
acknowledgement of the meaning of the season from all public proclamations. No
longer would Washington, DC have a Christmas Tree, but rather a Holiday Tree.
Thankfully, we have just rid ourselves of a man in the office of President who
promoted that disavowal of Christmas. Our present President is very bold in
proclaiming Christmas for what it truly is.
we celebrate Christmas, I hope we will teach our children whose birthday it is
that we celebrate. I hope we will not lie about some mythical figure with
powers very similar to those of God as one whom they must please. The beauty
and wonder of the real Christmas story is far more compelling than a comic
figure in a bishop’s suit with a bag on his shoulders delivering handouts. Tell
them the truth! The child can accept truth far better than the seasoned adults
whose lives are tainted with sin. If we are found to be liars in one matter so
great, our testimony in every other arena will be subject to question. TELL THE
Merry Christmas! May this Christmas be centered on the
humble manger, a young and blessed virgin, the beasts of the field who were
witness, and the lowly Joseph.