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powerful hymn may be the greatest of all to come out of the Reformation.
Written by the leading Reformer, Martin Luther, in 1529, this hymn became the
rallying anthem of the Reformation. Very like the French La Marseillaise whose rousing strains
aided Napoleon to win many victories, or the British Anthem, God
Save the Queen; this hymn draws upon the deep wells of spiritual thirst
for the abundant waters of the Fountain of Life to be rained upon a “dry
and thirsty land where no water is.” (Psalms 63:1) The hymn is sung to
the tune of ‘Ein’ feste Burg’ it was likely written by Luther at Coberg,
Germany, at a time when Luther’s very life was in danger. He was preserved and
protected by many amazing miracles from the Allies of the Papal See. The hymn
is so cherished by lovers of God and His Providence that it is even included in
most Roman Catholic hymnals. Luther was an Augustinian monk who was awakened
from the spiritual slumber of Rome’s heretical doctrines by a reading of the Book
of Romans. An underlying biblical reference may be the words of the Psalmist
who was likewise under constant threat of death for a multitude of enemies:
God is our refuge and
strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not
fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in
the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the
mountains tremble with its tumult" (Psalm 46:1-3)
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
A mighty fortress
is our God,
a bulwark never
Our helper he,
amid the flood
of mortal ills
For still our
ancient foe
doth seek to
work us woe;
His craft and
power are great,
and, armed with
cruel hate,
On earth is not
his equal.
Did we in our
strength confide,
our striving
would be losing;
Were not the
right Man on our side,
the Man of
God's own choosing:
Dost ask who
that may be?
Christ Jesus,
it is He;
Lord Sabbaoth,
His Name,
from age to age
the same,
And He must win
the battle.
And though this
world, with devils filled,
should threaten
to undo us,
We will not
fear, for God hath willed
his truth to
triumph through us:
the Prince of
Darkness grim,
we tremble not
for him;
His rage we can
for lo, his
doom is sure,
one little word
shall fell him.
That word above
all earthly powers,
no thanks to
them, abideth;
The Spirit and
the gifts are ours
through Him Who
with us sideth:
Let good and
kindred go,
this mortal
life also;
the body they
may kill:
God's truth
abideth still,
his kingdom is
The hymn reveals many long hidden
gems of scriptural truth that had lain smothered in the ashes of Roman
superstition for centuries. God truly is a Mighty Fortress to His people. How
does a fortress and prison differ? They both are constructed of heavy stone and
iron construction. They both have walls that are secure from penetration. They
both provide for defenders on high towers that shadow the lower walls. They
both require authorization to enter or depart. They are both defended by armed guards.
Consider this main difference:
A PRISON is designed to deny freedom to
its occupants. It is designed to keep the offender INSIDE its walls. Its
purpose is to defend the people OUTSIDE its walls from those malefactors
INSIDE. A FORTRESS offers just the opposite benefit. It
is designed to PROTECT all INSIDE from all OUTSIDE. Its bulwarks are ramparts
of defense and not offense. It PROTECTS the freedom of its occupants rather
than suppressing those freedoms. This is precisely what God is to those who fear
Him. He is our Ark of Salvation in the same way Noah’s Ark offered salvation to
its eight human occupants – and pairs of animals.
Be not deceived for we are truly faced with the Ancient Foe of our
souls – Satan and his minions. So we need a hiding place, a cleft of the Rock,
an Ark of protection and salvation. Where may we find such? We may find
salvation only in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Ark. In Him, we rise higher
and higher above the destruction below as it gains in terror and devastation to
its victims.
Luther points out in stunning meter the complete helplessness of
man without God. We are without hope if that hope is not focused on God. We
cannot help ourselves. The Foe is great and none can compare to him on earth,
but we have the Lord High King as a Protector and Advocate. He is ALMIGHTY and
able to save to the uttermost. Knowing that the Prince of Darkness is nothing
to be feared compared to the wrath of God, we shelter
under His wings and are consoled until the final victory when the legions and
armies of Heaven descend for the final Battle.
That word above all earthly
no thanks to them, abideth;
The Spirit and the gifts
are ours
through Him Who with us
The Word of God is under
constant attack by the powers of darkness. They have failed to smother its
voice, so they now attempt to amend it through erroneous translations and
applications; but the Word stands Immutable and Inviolate as our Ancient
Landmark of Faith, Hope, and Charity.
An entire book
could easily be written about the truths contained in this great hymn, and this
devotion falls woefully short in scope and space to cover them. I hope the
Reader will study this hymn in the context of Holy Scripture in order to glean
so many more powerful and wonderful truths that it contains. The witness of the
great Reformer, Martin Luther, lives on in this wonderful hymn to the glory of
our God. “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they
may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” (Rev
When I sing this
hymn, it used to cause me great encouragement, but today I feel that we have,
as a nation, abandoned that Mighty Fortress. In the opening introduction to God
Bless America, we sing, “While the storm clouds
gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that's
free, Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we
raise our voices in a solemn prayer. " Those
storm clouds are no longer far across the sea, but rather in the homes of
America today. We have opened the gates and allowed the enemy of our souls to