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Yea, though I
walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with
me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4)
It is tragic to go through life all
alone, and even a greater tragedy to cross Jordan River alone into that dark
eternity which all experience in that loneliness. The reception rooms of
nursing homes present a sad sight to the casual visitor. The room is often full
of wheel chairs and crutches occupied by the elderly, some of whom have
received no visitors in months, yet wait expectantly just in case a loved one
of the past may take the time to stop by. Many
wait in vain until the sands of time dwindle and they depart this life alone
and unsung. Many old ‘friends’
and relatives will come to their funerals, but too late to offer any joy to the
When I delivered newspapers as a boy,
there was a friend of my mother who loved to talk. She talked without
commercial interruption. When I stopped by her home to collect her monthly
paper bill. She would keep me longer than I could afford, but I stayed and
listened anyway. Her conversation was usually mundane and without any
significance except one thing that she always did. She always complimented me
for whatever she could think about that was worthy of comment. She never failed
to preface her compliments with this phrase; “I
believe in giving others their roses while they live.” She would then proceed with some compliment
whether deserved or not. I will never forget that kind lady nor her oft
repeated philosophy on roses. Her name was Mrs. Johnson.
My mother used to sing an old gospel
song that contained the sentiments expressed by Mrs. Johnson. It was published
by the Carter Family in 1934 –
a group very popular in the Blue Ridge and Appalachian Mountains where we
lived. Here is an excerpt:
things of folks are said
they have passed away
adorn their narrow bed
the sleeping clay.
me the roses while I live
to cheer me on
are flowers that you give
the soul has gone.
There is another beautiful hymn my mom
used to sing entitled, I come
to the Garden Alone. It relates the account of Mary Magdalene who came to
the Garden Tomb while it was yet dark and while the dew was still on the roses.
Mary came, as we all must come, alone to Christ. In our calling and election in
Christ, there are no sponsors for our souls other than the Holy Ghost that
draws us to the throne of Mercy and Grace.
There is a valley that many of us have
walked, and all of us shall surely walk at God’s discretion, in future. That Valley is the Valley of the Shadow
of Death. In fact, we all LIVE in that Valley since our very lives are held in the hand of God
moment by moment. Many pass through this Valley, so characteristic of mortal
life itself, in great fear and trembling. Some attempt to cover that fear with
entertainment, drugs, alcohol, sex, or even gambling. But these never suffice.
In the back of every mind is the certain knowledge that the end is coming to
this earthly life. To the believer, that specter is only a shadow and of no
material substance.
favorite short story writer and playwright by the name of William Saroyan, was
noted to be agnostic. He became seriously ill in 1982 and was admitted to
hospital. His condition would prove terminal. Before dying, he wrote a note to
Walter Kronkite of CBS News with the stipulation that it not be published until
after his demise. After Saroyan’s
passing, Kronkite read the note on his evening news program: “I always knew that everybody
had to die sooner or later, but I felt that in my case, there might be an
exception –
now what?”
Great question! Perhaps
the Rich Man who fared sumptuously while the beggar, Lazarus, languished
without his gate should have asked the same question. Unfortunately, he
discovered the “NOW WHAT” too late to
make amends.
No one
can share the soul of another. Each soul is inviolate to human bonds. We may
love others; we may have strong and loyal friendships; but we cannot enter into
the soul of another and share in their inner hurts and joys. When God made Adam
a ‘living soul’ it was only
to Adam to whom that soul was on loan. It could not be shared, and neither can our souls be shared with
another human being. As far as our souls are concerned, most of us go through
this life alone in the company of others who are alone. There is no one with
whom we can share our very souls –
but One, the Lord
Jesus Christ!
In the
account of the woman taken in adultery, at last the woman came face to face
with the Lord – ALONE. That is the way
we must ALL come to the Lord, and that is the way we face Him on the last day.
Bride of Christ (the Church) is a more Holy and indivisible union than the
bonds of holy matrimony to another in this world. For thy Maker is thine
husband; the Lord of hosts is his
name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall
he be called. (Isaiah 54:5)
is true because only Christ can enter into our hearts and souls to abide with
us – not for a season – but
forever! His blood relationship to us is stronger than that of any brother,
sister, mother, or father. A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Prov 18:24) There is a door that must
open for us, and so the Lord comes into our hearts and souls. In fact, Christ
stands at that door which, in case of the quoted text, is the very door of the
church: . . . . behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut
it. (Rev 3:8) and
Behold, I stand
at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will
come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Rev 3:20)
It is
Christ who provides the door, and it is Christ that IS the Door. We have not
come to the Door, or opened the Door, by our own wills. It is Christ who is the
Author of our calling and Salvation. Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that
ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear
them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and
shall go in and out, and find pasture. (John
10:7-9) We do not come without
being drawn to Christ. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: (John 6:44) That may defy our understanding of free will, but
that is the doctrine of Christ. Dispute it at your own peril.
committed Christians, we need never fear walking alone either in this life, or
in the final sleep of death. He is with us always, even unto the end of the world. We may sing with the old hymn
writer, “We
won’t have to cross Jordan alone.” When the curtain of life falls on
this life, there is no one who can stand with us to pass through that veil of
unknowing other than our Lord Jesus Christ. He comes into our hearts to abide ALWAYS. I will never leave thee, nor
forsake thee. (Heb 13:5)
I visit often in hospitals and nursing
homes. I have observed a difference in the way many observe their coming
departure from this life. Those who do not know Christ as their Savior,
Redeemer, and Lord, view that prospect with dread and worry. They are in the
depths of loneliness because they do not have the Lord at their side. But those
who know Christ, and are the
called according to His purpose, do not suffer a like sorrow and
loneliness. If they have no visitors, they are still sweet with a peace that
surpasses all understanding. They have come to know intimately the stranger
that attended the two on the Road to Damascus. They have known Him in the
breaking of bread, and they know that He will attend them across the swirling
waters ahead.
The Christian saint has a comfort that
the lost can never enjoy. That is the certain knowledge that he shall be
remembered! The names of the lost are of no import whatsoever for they are not
written down where the fires of Hell cannot scorch and burn – the Book of Life. But the names
of the saints are entered into the Book of Life – God’s Book of Remembrance. Is
this not a comfort for the soul teetering at the brink of eternity?
Do you feel that the Lord is with you
under every condition of life. If you know Him as your Lord, perhaps you are as
the two men on that Damascus Road who walk and talk with Him, but do not know
Him as well as you need to know Him. If this describes your condition, perhaps
you should see to a better knowledge of the One who bled and died for your sins
to redeem you.