The AOC Sunday Report is RIGHT HERE! |
The AOC Sunday Report is RIGHT HERE!
Fathers Day
Today is a day set aside
to remember and pray for our fathers, those who are with us and those who have
gone before us and brought us to this point in our lives.
Fathers Day is a day we
celebrate the role of fathers in our lives.
It is normally a day of joy and congratulations, maybe a little sadness
as we remember those of our fathers who have gone before us. But, it is more than that, it is a reminder
of what a father’s role should be.
Scripture puts the father at the head of the family, not as a dictator,
but using Jesus for as an example, to give his all for his family; up to and
including his earthly life if needed.
Done right, it is not easy; not done right it is not acceptable. It is a special responsibility. A father is to be the spiritual head of the
family, a provider of both spiritual and earthly needs, the protector,
commander, president, judge and most of all - the leader. To lead, you must be ahead of those you
lead. Lead means, follow me; not, head
that way. A father must live his life
for his family. The role comes with
privileges, but the privileges are granted only to those who fulfill the
responsibilities. Those responsibilities
are awesome, but the rewards incredible.
Yet, as a father, I assure you, in the words of Paul, we all fall
short. But that does not mean we should
give up, but rather we must redouble our efforts.
First Sunday after Trinity
We have some really really good sermons today from Bishops Jerry, Roy and Dennis, as well as Revs Jack and Bryan. They all cover some of the same ground, but their perspectives are so different, you will find little repetition!
There are always a lot of people who need your prayer. Today is no exception. Kurt is retaining fluid, Shamu has an infection, Jimmy, Mary, Bob and Michael need the cancer driven from their bodies. Seemingly unconnected, but they are not. Each needs your prayer for God's Help and Grace!
There is an EPIC week ahead for you with God's Help and Guidance. Take what is offered and enjoy what you can.
Church of the Faithful Centurion
Descanso, CA