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The center of the Traditional Anglican Communion; adhering to the Holy Bible (KJV) in all matters of Faith and Doctrine, a strict reliance on the Thirty Nine Articles of Religion, The two Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, the Two Creeds, and the Homilies and formularies of the Reformation Church of England.

Verse of the Day

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” -1 Timothy 2:5-6 Listen to chapter

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hymns of the Church – God Bless our Native Land – 4 November 2014, Anno Domini (In the Year of our Lord) - Election Day – USA – Dateline Belgrade, Serbia

            Today is Election Day in America. When one considers what that has come to mean insofar as honesty in government is concerned, they might be inclined to forsake all hope and fail to register his vote based on the wisdom and common sense with which he has been imbued by his Creator. In my opinion, that would be un-American. To simply accept utter defeat when the possibility of moral and spiritual reformation remains a possibility flies in the face of the courageous Founding Fathers who faced impossible odds in establishing a haven of Liberty in a land that had known religious oppression and political bondage.

            When we pray for America – her prosperity, her defense, and success as a nation – the Christian does not pray for her success that has come to be a common blotch on the escutcheon of the nation – things such as the official legitimization of the abominable sin of homosexuality (especially homosexual marriage) and abortion on demand which exceeds the brutality in magnitude of the German Nazis. We pray ‘God’s blessing’ on the nation. What does that mean? It means that we pray for whatever measures, in the will of God, He decides to take to bring us back to a reverence for His Holy Name and Word. This is true whether it be severe judgment, persecution, or even bondage. The Children of Israel endured bondage for four hundred years in Egypt by the approbation of God. He intended it to make them understand liberty in Christ for without an experience of utter darkness, one cannot appreciate the morning sunrise.

            There is no question at all that America is in trouble with God. The evidence is to be seen in the attitudes of our youth, the complacency of our adults, and the resignation of our elders. Drugs are everywhere rampant. The constituted authorities turn the head to this in response to the mammon of money and power the trade offers. Free and unrestrained sex is everywhere on TV, the movies, and the internet – and our children are introduced, at an early age, to the vilest pornography in our present-day schools. So, when I pray for God’s blessing on America, I do not pray for more corrupt and unprincipled leadership as we have today. I pray that God will either convert those leaders to Christ, or dispense with them. I pray that God will bless America with a change of heart among her citizenry to get away from trifling interests in sports, soap operas, and video games; and back on the firmer ground of faith and principle . . .  and serious education instead of the pabulum being offered today in Universities and public schools. I pray that God will bring upon the land a severe persecution if that will turn our heads and hearts back to the God that gave this nation the breath of Liberty in the first place. ANYTHING that turns our hearts back to God will be worth the sacrifice.

            Today’s hymn was a joint venture by two separate individuals during the early days of our founding. The first and second stanzas were written by Siegfried Mahlmann in 1815. The third stanza was composed by William E. Hickson in 1835. It was adapted to be sung to the tune, AMERICA.

God bless our native land
God bless our native land;
firm may she ever stand
through storm and night:
when the wild tempests rave,
ruler of wind and wave,
do thou our country save
by thy great might.

For her our prayers shall rise
to God, above the skies;
on him we wait;
thou who art ever nigh,
guarding with watchful eye,
to thee aloud we cry,
God save the state!

And not to us alone,
but be thy mercies known
from shore to shore.
Lord, make the nations see
that men should brothers be
and form one family
the wide world o'er.

“God bless our native land; firm may she ever stand through storm and night: when the wild tempests rave, ruler of wind and wave, do thou our country save by thy great might.” The opening line suggests that God bless our land so that she stands firm through every storm – moral and militant. Has America done this? So when, by our lack of zeal to defend those principles for which better men than we shed their blood on battlefields from Concord to Baghdad, the winds of doubt; of cowardice; and of complacency toward the things of God began to rise in stormy blasts and the seas are troubled and discomfited. Does this not reflect our day? But the trailing line of this stanza appeals to God to save us by His might – not in our immoral and ungodly manners, but in a rebirth of faith and strong conviction.

For her our prayers shall rise to God, above the skies; on him we wait; thou who art ever nigh, guarding with watchful eye, to thee aloud we cry, God save the state!” If the terms of this prayer were adopted, certainly God would save us. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chron 7:14) Have you truly thought about this verse? More than 70% of the American public consider themselves to be Christians, and they go by that family name; yet they are Christian in name only. Their faith is not an enduring faith that marks them in public places and lifestyle as Christian. If those people, who are called by the Name of Christ, were to heed this warning in 2nd Chronicles, our land would not only be saved, but turned from it sure course of fatality. The unbelievers of a nation are not called to pray because the prayers of an unbeliever achieve nothing. Have those who are called by the Name of Christ humbled themselves, prayed earnestly, sought the face of the Lord, and turned from their wicked ways? I do not think so. God will not save a state upon which He has finally declared a judgment. Do we wish to sink to that state of immoral decay and decadence?

             “And not to us alone, but be thy mercies known from shore to shore. Lord, make the nations see that men should brothers be and form one family the wide world o'er.” The false religion of the general brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God is an error that began a little over one hundred years ago. This stanza does not plainly say that; however, the only way that we, as a nation, could become a solid brotherhood of God would be for all to repent and accept the Sovereignty of Christ. There are only two families on earth and every person belongs to one or the other. Those two families are either the family of God, or of Satan. My reading of Scripture does not convince me that men will one-and-all be Christian brothers the world over before Gabriel stands and sounds the trumpet call. It is a great hope earnestly to be desired, but not one that conforms to the prophecies of the Scriptures. Those mercies “known from shore to shore” may not be what we expect. It was merciful that God allowed Israel to go into the Babylonian captivity because it reminded them of what they had lost, and could regain by faith. Perhaps that may be the plight of America. Whatever result comes today in the election results, America will receive that which she